Exciting news for English-speaking readers: The brand new “Habayis Magazine” published by Heichal Hakodesh will with Hashem’s help soon be available for all to enjoy. With an array of uplifting and insightful articles written by esteemed authors, this magazine promises to offer something unique and inspiring.
The first edition of “Habayis Magazine” is set to debut just in time for Pesach, bringing joy and light into our homes.. It includes articles on all topics from joyful reminiscing to practical tips for Pesach preparations.
One article by D. Wildey explores the power of fond memories from our childhood as we grow older. Another piece by S. L. Fried offers tips and tricks for getting organized ahead of Pesach so that we can fully enjoy the yom tov without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.
Y. Silver shares insights on “The power of tefillah” in helping us connect to Hashem on a deeper level, while B. Wildey provides some "Pesach Pearls" - nuggets of wisdom to guide us through this auspicious time.
Readers will also get an exclusive glimpse into Lakewood's largest Matzah Bakery as Rabbi Aron Meyor discusses his role as Mashgiach in an interview with S. Feldman.
For those who love a good story, S. Lesser translates the first story of Sippurei Maasios "The Lost Princess". This particular tale is sure to enchant readers young and old alike! And lastly but certainly not least, Z. Gelbwachs writes about what it means to be a hero according to teachings passed down from the Rebbe; how Emunah helps us serve Hashem better, and cope with day-to-day life challenges. All throughout Habayis Magazine's pages run themes such as Emunah, Simcha Shel Mitzvah, and how to help us serve Hashem better.
We hope you will enjoy this first issue of “Habayis Magazine”!