זייט דער ערשטער באנד עצתו אמונה אויף ענגליש איז ארויס פון דרוק, הערט מען נישט אויף צו באקומען בקשות פון די ענגליש רעדנדע ציבור ווי מען ווארט שוין אויף נאך. כלל ישראל איז הונגעריג אויף די הייליגע דיבורים פון הייליגן רבין, אידן ווילן זיין וואויל, אידן ווילן זיין ערליך, דער סמ"ך מ"ם זוכט ווי ער קען אראפ ווארפן אידישע נשמות, צוברעכן די אידישע גייסט. און ווען מען קאסט די טעם פון די "אונגארישע וויין" די לויטערע הייליגע עצות פון הייליגן רבין קען מען נישט זאט ווערן.
דערפאר קענען מיר נישט גענוג דאנקען דעם אייבערשטן אז נאך אזויפיל מיה און פלאג, האלט מען שוין דא אז דער צווייטער באנד עצתו אמונה - אדער ווי עס ווערט גערופן אין ענגליש Light of Emunah - גייט שוין צום דרוק מיט איבער הונדער שאלות ותשובות איבער אלע ענינים וואס א מענטש קען נאר טראכטן (ווי אויסגערעכענט שפעטער), דער ספר איז הערליך געשריבן און איבערגעטייטש די ווערטער פונעם ראש ישיבה אין א קלארע און פליסיגע ענגליש, און איז איבער 280 זייטן אנגעפולט פון דעקל צו דעקל מיט עצות חיזוק און הדרכה, וואס איינמאל מען הייבט עס אן צו לערנען וועט מען נישט קענען אראפ לייגן ביזן סוף.
מיר האפן אין די נאנטע טעג צו מעלדן אז דער ספר איז שוין ארויס פון דרוק און מען קען עס שוין קויפן אויפן וועבסייט.
פאלגענד זענען די שאלות וואס ווערן אדרעסירט אינעם נייעם ספר
How should one conduct himself with his married children?
How can I have shemiras einayim at work?
How can I stay strong when I must contend with friction at home?
Is one allowed to make a vow when it comes to avodas Hashem?
What can I do if my wife is misguided in certain aspects?
Should I continue davening in a shul where not all tzaddikim are respected?
My husband is constantly occupied with movies; should I leave him?
Is there still hope for me?
How can I determine to whom I should give tzedakah?
How can I merit a Breslever shidduch?
Does responding to a Hatzolah call take priority over helping out at home?
Why doesn’t Heichel HaKodesh print the Rebbe’s sefarim?
Is talking to Hashem considered a hefsek?
How often must one talk to Hashem?
Must I ask my mother for forgiveness?
How is one zocheh to become a talmid chacham through learning with the seder derech halimud?
How can I control my temper?
How can we live together in harmony?
How can one eliminate panic attacks?
What can I do so that my family accepts me the way I am?
Should I daven even without the right concentration?
Am I ready to get married?
From what age should one start davening for his zivug?
How can I remain calm as my wedding approaches?
Should a woman go to shul to daven?
What can I do when my parents involve me in their arguments?
With what hardships did Mohorosh have to contend?
Was my teshuvah accepted?
How can one always remain happy?
How can I establish a chaburah of talmidei Heichel HaKodesh in my town?
How should I proceed after divorcing twice?
My son’s melamed doesn’t stop hitting him; how can I protect him?
Are there specific minhagim to consider when a boy turns three years old?
Is one allowed to learn Torah before immersing in a mikvah?
How can I extract myself from machlokes?
What can I do when my tefillos are not answered?
Which colors of clothing are not permissible to wear?
Is there a way for me to repent?
How should I prepare for lighting the Shabbos candles?
How do you teach children to behave in a holy manner?
How can I remain optimistic when I feel left behind?
How can I create an atmosphere of equality in my classroom?
What can my wife do to assist me with my struggles?
How can I ensure that my earnings shouldn’t be lost?
Should I continue with shadchanus?
What should the conversation be at the Shabbos table?
What is the right approach in chinuch?
Can you give us chizuk on הלכות הרחקות?
What nusach should one say when reading Krias Shema sheal HaMitah?
What should one be makpid on when buying tefillin?
How can we find comfort after the terrible shooting in Jersey City?
Why are my tefillos not answered?
How can I break free from my taavos?
Should I buy a life insurance policy?
How can I persevere until I find my shidduch?
Why was Mohorosh’s life full of pain and suffering?
Which chapters of Krias Shema does one omit on Shabbos and Yom Tov?
Must one take action when he hears disturbing things taking place in his neighbor’s home?
How can I avoid going to sleep late?
How can I remain optimistic when I don’t have children?
How do I explain the concept of kedushah to my son?
Should I risk my health to have more children?
How much time should a boy set aside to learn?
Why did Mohorosh not complete writing the sefer להבות אש?
How can I prepare for my upcoming marriage?
May I travel alone in a taxi?
Where is the source stating that when one learns Torah, he needs no weapons to protect himself?
How can we find consolation after the tragedy in Jersey City?
Should I give up my regular shiur in Gemara in favor of a shiur with the seder derech halimud?
How can I overcome my temptations?
My parents are separated; where should I spend Shabbos?
How can I remain strong after suffering a financial loss?
How can I draw my father-in-law back to Breslev?
Why did the Rosh Yeshivah not announce his upcoming trip to Eretz Yisrael?
What can I do to improve my shalom bayis?
How can one persist in avodas Hashem?
Is there still hope for me?
Thank you for the clarity I gain by the shiurim.
Should I travel to America to collect money?
Should I return to my usual minyan despite being humiliated?
Should I continue carrying out shidduchim?
How do I persevere until I find my shidduch?
How can I start again after finally divorcing?
How can I calm my children when missiles are flying overhead?
My life transformed after listening to the shiurim.
How can I find pleasure in my learning?
Should I go back to yeshivah after they threw me out?
How important is it to spend Shabbos at home with the children?
How can my wife get rid of someone harassing her?
Which segulos can I do to find my shidduch?
Why did Mohorosh give so many guarantees?
Why does Mohorosh express himself so sharply in his will?
How does the segulah of Meseches Taanis work?
Is emunah the only answer to mental illnesses?
What is the correct seder to learn the Rebbe’s sefarim?
May one insist on a specific shidduch?
How can I turn down a person when he asks for a favor?
How can I convince others of the importance of properly covering one’s hair?
Is one permitted to buy a product from a company that may have once been owned by Nazis, yimach shemom?
I was thrown out of yeshivah, how do I proceed?
What was the Rebbe’s position regarding fasting?
How can I draw my father closer to the Rebbe?
Which is the correct way to learn?
My life transformed thanks to the shiurim; can the Rosh Yeshivah give me further guidance?
If I marry young, how will I support myself?
Should I return to Yeshivah when they do not allow me to learn Mishnayos?
How long should it take to daven Shacharis?
How long will I still have to wait for my shidduch?
How can I repay the Rosh Yeshivah for all the shiurim?
Thank you for the chizuk to face the challenges of technology.
How does one create a connection to Heichel HaKodesh?
How can I create a positive change?
How do I rectify the follies of my youth?
How can I strengthen my feelings of self-worth?
Thank you for transforming my marriage.
Can the Rosh Yeshivah give me chizuk for learning Torah?
Must I give up my smartphone?
How can I ensure that I remain attached to a tzaddik?
Should I travel to Uman with my wife?
How do I navigate complicated relationships?