אין די טעג איז ארויס פון דרוק דער ערשטער באנד פון "עצתו אמונה" איבערגעטייטשט אין ענגליש. איבער די וועלט זענען פארהאן הונדערטער טוינזטער אידן וואס רעדן נאר ענגליש, אויך זענען פארהאן פילע וואס כאטש זיי פארשטייען אידיש, קענען זיי שווער ליינען אידיש. זיי אלע האבן געפרעגט כסדר "למה נגרע"? דער אייבישטער האט געהאלפן אז דער ראש ישיבה מיט די טייערע מפיצים, וואס טראכטן נאר וויאזוי מ'קען העלפן נאך א איד און נאך א איד צו האבן א בעסערע לעבן, האבן זיך אריינגעלייגט דערין, און ברוך השם מען האט באוויזן ארויסצוגעבן א הערליכע חיבור פון כמעט 300 זייטן, אנגעפילט מיט די שכל און עצות פון הייליגן רבין, געשריבן דורכן ראש ישיבה שליט"א פאר פילע שואלים פון איבער די גאנצע וועלט, יעדער מיט זייערע אייגענארטיגע שאלות, און ספיקות.
דער ספר קען מען שוין באשטעלן אויפן וועבסייט, און עס באקומען דעליווערט אהיים.
אונטן קענט איר טרעפן דעם תוכן פון די שאלות וואס ווערן געענטפערט אין דעם באנד.

First volume of “The Light Of Emuna” is published
It is a great pleasure for us to announce that the first volume of “The Light Of Emuna” - which is “Atzusoi Emuna” translated in English - has been published and is already available to the public.
In particular, the joy is great among the many English-speaking Jews from all over the world who have asked "למה נגרע"? The Rosh Yeshiva, with the dear מפיצים, who always think “how can we help another fellow Jew should have a better life?”, just finished - with Hashem’s help - publishing the first volume of “The Light Of Emuna” with a glorious essay of almost 300 pages, filled with advice and chizzuk, written by Rosh Yeshiva Shlita for many questioners from all over the world, everyone with their own and unique questions and doubts.
The book can already be ordered thru the website, and it will be delivered to your home.
📖 The Light Of Emuna - Volume One
📰 The Light of Emunah, is available for subscription
🎞️ The Light Of Emunah - to your door
📰 עצתו אמונה איבערגעזעצט אויף ענגליש ווערט צוכאפט
📀 DVD Play in for woman and girls - “Der berger and der uriman”
📖 Huge selection of Kuntreisim in English
📜 Atzosi Emuno in English is beutifull
🎦 Shiurim in English
🎞️ The Rosh Yeshiva Speaks in Lakewood (partualy in English) 
📌 Heichal Hakodesh Weekly Newsletter (in English)

Following is a summary of the questions answered in the first volume:
◾ My neighbor does things that bother me; how should I approach the situation?
◾ My wife spends too much time talking to her sister.
◾ I need chizuk before it is too late.
◾ Should I allow my son to drive a motorcycle?
◾ How can I remain b’simcha even while going through difficult times?
◾ I have a difficult relationship with my father. How should I conduct myself?
◾ How do I get rid of bad thoughts?
◾ What is important when considering a shidduch?
◾ If it’s important to save money on chasunahs, why splurge when it comes to going to Uman?
◾ How do you teach children to have trust in Hashem?
◾ Should I reveal everything to my wife?
◾ Nachas for whose sake?
◾ Will he be a good husband for my daughter?
◾ Why are certain important topics avoided when being mechanach children and bochurim?
◾ My husband spends lots of time with his niece; what can I do about it?
◾ My life is full of pain and suffering. How can I remain strong despite everything I’m going through?
◾ What was the Rebbe’s position on spending time with one’s children?
◾ Is there no such thing as a good friend?
◾ Is it necessary to have more children?
◾ How did you remain strong despite all the opposition?
◾ How do I get rid of my smartphone?
◾ How can I create a relationship with my husband?
◾ My wife acts like a police officer. What can I do about it?
◾ Am I also considered a talmid of Heichal Hakodesh?
◾ When will Moshiach redeem us from galus?
◾ How can I enjoy Shabbos when my father creates such a tense atmosphere?
◾ How can I achieve sholom bayis?
◾ May one use a swimming pool for a mikvah?
◾ The Rosh Yeshiva’s shiurim give me life.
◾ Can a mother daven for her child instead of him?
◾ How can I bring the Rebbe into my home?
◾ How can I deal with my emotions?
◾ Am I ehrlich?
◾ How can I contend with feelings of emptiness?
◾ What can we do to merit children?
◾ How much can one spend on a simchah?
◾ At what age may boys no longer play together with girls?
◾ My son left Yiddishkeit; should I still learn with him?
◾ Guidance on Tznius.
◾ Does one need a specific location for hisbodedus?
◾ How can I have a fulfilling marriage despite the difficulties of my youth?
◾ Is there another way to resolve the tension between me and my niece?
◾ When will I find my shidduch?
◾ How can I always remain happy?
◾ Why shouldn’t one davka travel to the fields for התבודדות?
◾ Can I travel to Uman for Erev Rosh Hashonah?
◾ How can I remain calm despite the alarming events going on in the news?
◾ How can I repair my relationship with my son?
◾ How can I work on the middah of כעס?
◾ What can a girl do instead of the segulah of Mesechtas Taanis?
◾ Is it possible to make hisbodedus through מחשבה only?
◾ How can I improve the situation in my home?
◾ Is it sufficient to merely daven for righteous children?
◾ Doesn’t chinuch play a vital role?
◾ I suffer from mental illness; how can I remain positive in my situation?
◾ Why is the Breslov shtetl of Yavniel so far from Yerushalayim?
◾ My husband desires to travel to Uman for Rosh Hashonah.
◾ What is the story the Rebbe relates regarding a shield?
◾ My life is full of pain and suffering; why should I remain alive?
◾ The shiurim infuse me with life.
◾ Which chumros must a person be meticulous with, and which ones are not necessary?
◾ Why doesn’t the Torah protect me from becoming angry?
◾ What was Mohorosh’s position regarding Dor Yeshorim?
◾ Which Breslov seforim should I learn?
◾ I feel alone in the world; how can I remain strong?
◾ Why do you accuse bochurim of talking ניבול פה?
◾ View your child positively.
◾ Why doesn’t the Rosh Yeshiva state explicitly what he wants from his talmidim?
◾ Is the Seder Derech Halimud the correct way to learn Torah?
◾ How can we live in harmony when our finances are stretched?
◾ Should I switch my dress mode from Chabad to Breslev?
◾ Should I daven with a minyan?
◾ Should I turn down a shidduch if the boy isn’t Chassidish?
◾ Does my teshuvah have any value if I know I will continue doing aveiros?
◾ How can I make it easier for my wife when I travel to Uman?
◾ How can I merit to do teshuvah completely?
◾ Is it possible to take my wife with me to Uman for Rosh Hashanah?
◾ Are there segulos that can help me find my shidduch?
◾ How can I overcome my Yetzer Hara and dress modestly?
◾ Does the benefit outweigh the harm for me to travel to Uman?
◾ If I couldn’t uphold last year’s resolutions, what chances do I have for this year?
◾ How soon must one get married?
◾ I am so attached to my aveiros; is there a way out?
◾ How can I remain strong while being so far from a Jewish community?
◾ How does one know where the truth lies?
◾ Which comes first, hachnosas orchim or chinuch?
◾ Can you give me a path to teshuvah?
◾ Should I leave my current Chassidus and switch to Breslev?
◾ Is it possible for the Rosh Yeshiva to give more shiurim for women?
◾ May one give tzedakah at night?
◾ How can I please my husband?
◾ How can I have pure thoughts?
◾ How can I create a minyan in which Ashkenazim and Sephardim can daven in unison?
◾ How should I proceed after completing Shas?
◾ How can my wife and I find common ground?
◾ How can I retain the calm in my home?
◾ Is bedtime supposed to be a strict affair?
◾ How does one discipline a disrespectful child?
◾ Was the tragedy a result of my aveirah?
◾ Can one learn Torah in comfort?
◾ How can I share my newfound inspiration with others?
◾ How can one remain b'simcha even while going through difficulties?
◾ How can I create a pleasant atmosphere at home?
◾ I’m drowning in aveiros — is there a way out?
◾ Is Yavniel symbolic for a “zivug sheini”?
◾ How can I do teshuvah when I don’t even want to stop doing aveiros?
◾ Should I insist that I don’t need expensive jewelry?
◾ Our son is addicted to his smartphone; what can we do?
◾ How does one begin speaking to Hashem?
◾ Is there a way for me to achieve shalom bayis?
◾ How can I find a shidduch later in life?
◾ How can we merit more children?